'Iolani Furniture — 'Iolani Furniture
Wow! Leather woven seat chair restoration!
'Iolani Furniture Furniture Leather Leathertouchupdye.com rattan Stain
Shanna ArthurThese rattan and leather seats were cracking and breaking. We were able to replace them with strong and pliable leather straps and stain them to match the existing back straps. The original leather was sprayed with a shellac or oil-based clear coat which caused much of the hardening and cracking. These seats have a finish coat that protects the leather without hardening it.
Reclaiming Hawaii's Furniture
'Iolani Furniture 'Iolani Palace Blog First Blog Furniture Iolani translation
Shanna ArthurHello cyber world! Here we are, a little used furniture store in a small bay town named Hilo on the Big Island of Hawai'i. This is our first post, so I would like to take a moment to discuss our name. As Matt and I were choosing names for our youngest daughter, we looked up Hawaiian translations for our last name, Arthur, which is 'Iolani in Hawaiian. The word, 'iolani, means "heavenly hawk." I loved the connection and iconography of the name, so I jumped into marketing and legalizing it, but when I typed 'Iolani furniture into a search...